Sonja Kuipers

219 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder brushes helps fight tooth decay and gum disease. It removes not only plaque but also any food particles left during the day. Avoid mouthwash directly after brushing, as it washes away the fluoride from the toothpaste. • Limit the number of eating and drinking moments. Moderating the frequency of eating and drinking is important to prevent tooth damage. Bacteria convert sugars, causing enamel dissolution and cavity formation. If someone chooses to enjoy something sweet, they should eat it during lunch or dinner when the mouth has more saliva. Saliva can break down acids and remove leftover food from the mouth. It is also important to limit the number of sweet/acid attacks per day to a maximum of six or seven times. • Visit a dentist or dental hygienist regularly. To prevent problems and keep the mouth and teeth in good condition, it is wise to schedule regular appointments with a dentist or dental hygienist. Typically, this means visits twice a year, but the exact frequency depends on the condition of the teeth. • Ask your patient if they have brushed their teeth. Link this to medication times. Is your patient afraid of the dentist? Advise your patient to take a buddy to the dentist. This could be a buddy or volunteer or someone from ambulatory care if the person is undergoing treatment at FACT. Dry mouth from medication? Give the following additional advice to patients: • Regularly drinking small amounts of water and rinsing food with water can provide relief. • Good oral hygiene, adequate fluid intake, and the use of (sugar-free) products that stimulate saliva flow can alleviate dry mouth symptoms and prevent complications. • Artificial saliva or tablets like XyliMelts (there are many other brands), self-adhesive tablets that stick to the gums, inside the cheek, dissolve slowly and completely and counteract dry mouth symptoms by slowly releasing xylitol, which stimulates the production of natural saliva and helps reduce the formation of plaque and cavities. • They can be used four to eight times a day and are available online as an overthe-counter product. 6