Sonja Kuipers

220 Chapter 6 It is important to mention that symptoms resulting from medication side effects should be discussed with the treating physician and dentist. There are other medications they can prescribe. What if brushing teeth is not possible? For example, for patients admitted in a crisis, consider using chlorhexidine mouthwash can be used daily for a brief period of 1 to 2 weeks. Note that this is an alternative only when nothing else is possible and does not replace toothbrushing. It is important to keep motivating and encouraging your patients. Motivational interviewing is a good technique for this. Does your patient lack dental insurance and cannot afford to go to the dentist? Many municipalities have special health insurance for patients. On this website (in Dutch), you can check if this is arranged in your area. This website lists several solutions where you as a nurse can search for alternative options with your patients. If they cannot afford the dentist, check practical solutions here (in Dutch).