Sonja Kuipers

228 Chapter 7 American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) risk diagnoses and readiness diagnoses can be utilized [24], as we stated in the introduction of this dissertation. However, to establish a precise nursing diagnosis effectively, it is crucial to perform a comprehensive data collection and critical assessment of data. From our qualitative and design-oriented studies (chapter 2, 5 and 6), we can conclude that oral health care activities do not seem to be an integral part of mental health nursing care and MHNs have received relatively limited training in this area during their education. [1]. Training for MHNs starts in educational programs [25]. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) considers different domains essential for nursing practice, but three domains are specifically related to lifestyle interventions [26]. These three domains are 1) person-centered care (holistic, individualized, respectful, compassionate, coordinated, evidence-based, and developmentally appropriate), which builds on a scientific body of knowledge that guides nursing practice regardless of specialty or functional area; 2) population health (which includes population management through systems thinking, including health promotion and illness prevention [27]); and 3) personal and professional nursing leadership (the advancement of the MHN as a leader). The development of these dimensions necessitates a commitment to personal growth, the continuous expansion of professional knowledge and skills, and strong leadership engagement across diverse situations [26]. Thus, although oral health is not sufficiently integrated into nursing education, the new training profile for MHNs offers many opportunities to incorporate oral health care (e.g., in lifestyle or prevention dimensions). We recommend incorporating this into the curricula of all MHN education. It is crucial that students and beginning professionals are knowledgeable and aware that they play a role in this matter across various contexts. Furthermore, it is advisable to emphasize prevention, lifestyle management, and person-centered care in educational programs, integrating practical interventions to equip healthcare providers with comprehensive patient care skills. The fundamental principle should be that the focus should not only be on learning a skill but also on applying the learned knowledge in various contexts. National policy: prevention is better than cure, the job is not yet finished This dissertation has revealed that individuals with psychotic disorders are not receiving adequate care concerning their oral health (chapter 2, 3, 5). However,