Sonja Kuipers

233 General discussion Recommendations for future research To fill evidence gaps, several recommendations can be made for future research: Further research on oral health care and MHNs 1. Research should implement oral health care into existing preventive lifestyle interventions targeting patients with psychotic disorders. 2. MHNs require additional tools to effectively integrate oral health into the care of patients with a psychotic disorder. This holistic approach necessitates a broad set of skills and knowledge, encompassing both mental and physical health aspects, to provide comprehensive care that meets the multifaceted needs of MHNs and their patients. This should be considered during the further development of the toolkit. 3. In Chapter 6, we demonstrated that multiple tools need to be developed, focusing on the needs of MHNs. The evaluation of these tools was based on criteria derived from the literature and key critical success factors in implementation. It would be beneficial for MHNs to further investigate this area. 4. For a more robust assessment, the effectiveness of the brochure with awareness screener should be studied, considering outcomes such as awareness and behavioural change in MHNs as well as in their patients. In addition, it is imperative to conduct further qualitative research into the effective elements of the brochure with awareness screener. This approach will facilitate a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms and interactions that contribute to the observed outcomes. Recommendations for policy and practice 1. This dissertation shows that oral health is important for everyone, and especially for target groups, such as people with FEP. For patients with FEP, this is currently not well organized. The financial accessibility of oral care should be improved, e.g. through an additional insurance. Therefore, preventive measures (i.e., check-ups with dentists and dental hygienists) should be included as standard in health insurance plans. 2. The findings of this dissertation show the importance of integrating oral care into the care of patients with FEP. To ensure that oral care is discussed, it is important to include the awareness screener in lifestyle screening or in routine outcome monitoring. 7