Sonja Kuipers

234 Chapter 7 3. It is essential that MHNs not only believe in a holistic approach to care but also actively practice and demonstrate it through continual personal and professional development to show leadership in their field. 4. Oral healthcare should have a clear place in guidelines for FEP, including practical tools aimed at preventing serious problems. 5. It is important to establish learning networks in which knowledge and experiences are shared about oral health care as part of broad-based holistic care for people with FEP. Recommendation for education 1. It is important to include terms such as prevention and lifestyle in the learning outcomes of educational programs for MHNs related to psychotic disorders and oral health. Furthermore, in the educational sector, there must be a transfer of learning to other contexts besides psychosis. Implications for Maaike and Joshua In the introduction, we introduced Maaike, who observed that young patients with a psychotic vulnerability in the clinic, like Joshua, pay little attention to their oral health. Additionally, she struggles with MHNs who do not feel responsible for their patients’ oral health. What might have been the significance of this project for them? Did our research help Maaike in her mission? Did Joshua receive any advantages from our findings? We believe that young patients like Joshua could indeed benefit from our findings. First, the brochure with the awareness screener would have facilitated a discussion about oral care with Joshua, enabling him to express his experiences with oral health and his preferences for potential changes. Based on this feedback, Maaike and her colleagues were able to tailor the treatment plan accordingly. Finally, this treatment plan led to a higher oral health related quality of life of Joshua who suffered more frequently from psychoses in later life.