Sonja Kuipers

235 General discussion References 1. Kitson, A.; Conroy, T.; Kuluski, K.; Locock, L.; Lyons, R. Reclaiming and Redefining the Fundamentals of Care: Nursing’s Response to Meeting Patients’ Basic Human Needs; University of Adelaide: Adelaide, 2013. 2. Nightingale, F. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not; Dover Publications: New York, 1969; ISBN 978-0-486-22340-7. 3. Orem, D.E.; Taylor, S.G.; Renpenning, K.M. Nursing: Concepts of Practice; 5th ed.; Mosby: St. Louis, 1995; ISBN 978-0-8151-6552-1. 4. Henderson, V. The Concept of Nursing*. Journal of Advanced Nursing 1978, 3, 113–130, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1978.tb00837.x. 5. Grypdonck, M.; Koene, G.; Rodenbach, M.Th.; Windey, T.; Blanpain, J.E. Integrating Nursing: A Holistic Approach to the Delivery of Nursing Care. International Journal of Nursing Studies 1979, 16, 215–230, doi:10.1016/0020-7489(79)90054-3. 6. Koomen, L.E.M.; Deenik, J.; Cahn, W. The Association between Mental Healthcare Professionals’ Personal Characteristics and Their Clinical Lifestyle Practices: A National Cross-Sectional Study in The Netherlands. Eur. Psychiatr. 2023, 66, e96, doi:10.1192/j. eurpsy.2023.2475. 7. Kuipers, S.; Castelein, S.; Barf, H.; Kronenberg, L.; Boonstra, N. Risk Factors and Oral Health Related Quality of Life: A Case–Control Comparison between Patients after a First‐Episode Psychosis and People From General Population. Psychiatric Ment Health Nurs 2022, 29, 430–441, doi:10.1111/jpm.12820. 8. On behalf of the STEPWISE Research Group; Carey, M.E.; Barnett, J.; Doherty, Y.; Barnard, K.; Daly, H.; French, P.; Gossage-Worrall, R.; Hadjiconstantinou, M.; Hind, D.; et al. Reducing Weight Gain in People with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and First Episode Psychosis: Describing the Process of Developing the STructured Lifestyle Education for People with SchizophrEnia (STEPWISE) Intervention. Pilot Feasibility Stud 2018, 4, 186, doi:10.1186/s40814-018-0378-1. 9. Firth, J.; Carney, R.; Elliott, R.; French, P.; Parker, S.; McIntyre, R.; McPhee, J.S.; Yung, A.R. Exercise as an Intervention for First‐episode Psychosis: A Feasibility Study. Early Intervention Psych 2018, 12, 307–315, doi:10.1111/eip.12329. 10. Lambden, B.; Berge, J.; Forsell, Y. Structured Physical Exercise and Recovery from First Episode Psychosis in Young Adults, the FitForLife Study. Psychiatry Research 2018, 267, 346–353, doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2018.06.001. 11. Chee, G.; Wynaden, D.; Heslop, K. The Physical Health of Young People Experiencing First‐episode Psychosis: Mental Health Consumers’ Experiences. Int J Mental Health Nurs 2019, 28, 330–338, doi:10.1111/inm.12538. 7