Sonja Kuipers

247 Summary were translated into four different personas, which were subsequently validated through semi-structured interviews with additional mental health nurses and peer specialists (N=19). This research indicated that in terms of the attitudes and perspectives of mental health nurses, some feel no responsibility, while some embrace a responsibility to ensure a holistic approach that includes oral health. The main barriers identified were a lack of knowledge and a deficiency in practical tools. The most significant needs highlighted were a lack of knowledge about oral care (such as the importance of good oral health and the type of advice that can be offered to patients) and risk factors (such as medication use and smoking), as well as a lack of tools to facilitate discussions. The latter was perceived as the most substantial barrier. This research showed that the majority of MHNs could identify with a persona that seeks a holistic approach to care, including attention to oral health. However, despite recognizing the importance of oral health within their patient group, they tended to take little responsibility for these aspects of care in practice. These findings underscore the need to subsequently develop a specific toolkit of interventions tailored to all four personas identified through the research. What supportive tool could be developed for MHNs to enhance their awareness and knowledge about oral health in psychosis patients? (Chapter 6) Building on the results of the first study presented in Chapter 5, this second part of the design-oriented, human-centered research involved a focus group consisting of nine participants and was aimed at identifying the main problems and needs of MHNs. From the analysis, fifteen different tools that could support MHNs emerged, ranging from a brochure, oral care screener, or clinical lessons to a video featuring expert experience. The tool that was seen as promising by the participants was a brochure, including a screener, intended to raise awareness and MHNs’ knowledge about oral health in patients with psychotic disorders. The addition of a screener was important, as it could help to start the conversation with patients. The brochure contains information about oral care, risk factors, nutrition, and advice to be given and also includes a screener that stimulates conversation about oral care between the nurse and the