Sonja Kuipers

248 Summary patient. This screener includes questions such as ‘Can you indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 how satisfied you are with your oral health?’ (1 = worst imaginable, 10 = best imaginable) and ‘What would you like to change?’ The brochure was designed as a ‘low-fidelity prototype’, i.e., a first draft was made so that the feasibility of the idea could be tested. How feasible is the implementation of the developed brochure in the context of caring for patients with a psychotic disorder? (Chapter 6) The screener was tested over a 14-day period in daily practice by both MHNs and experts. After this testing phase, the feasibility of the brochure was evaluated through semi-structured interviews with 19 participants from different backgrounds. The feedback from the MHNs and experts on the brochure was mostly positive; they were very satisfied with the prototype and gave several recommendations for minor improvements to the sequencing of the content. Both the experts and MHNs felt it was important to start the brochure with a discussion of psychological complaints and the stigma regarding oral health after the introductory section. Based on the data collected and feedback provided, we can conclude that implementing a brochure with a screener that raises awareness is a viable strategy for MHNs. This tool could potentially contribute to improving MHNs’ awareness and thus potentially improve the oral health of patients with psychotic disorders. To increase the practical applicability of the brochure, it is important to develop more tools, such clinical lessons and the provision of a toothbrush and toothpaste for patients. Conclusion This dissertation demonstrates that oral health in patients with psychosis requires greater attention. Young adults with psychotic disorders exhibit poorer oral health and increased risk factors, making this issue more significant within this population than among young adults in the general population. This highlights a responsibility for mental health services, not only public healthcare services, to address these needs. In particular, this is a task for MHNs, who are trained to use a holistic approach and are the closest to patients in daily care. Despite their holistic training,