Sonja Kuipers

249 Summary MHNs often do not view providing oral care support as part of their duties. Due to the lack of clarity on what interventions MHNs can employ, a literature review was conducted. The findings indicate that there is no ‘gold standard intervention’ available, but they could guide the development of interventions in the future. We also explored the attitudes, barriers, and needs of MHNs, as well as suggestions for interventions that MHNs could use and developed four different personas of hypothetical MHNs. Based on these personas, we examined tools that could be developed to enhance MHNs’ knowledge and awareness of oral care. The most optimal solution, a brochure with an awareness screener, was selected based on the findings from a decision matrix. This brochure with an awareness screener was developed as a low-fidelity prototype. The feasibility of the brochure was confirmed through interviews with professionals and experts. The realization of this project mainly contributed to the development of nursing knowledge regarding oral care in patients with psychotic disorders. In addition, herein, an initial outline of how to provide a tool has been provided. It is important to further investigate what the active elements are in this nursing tool. Examining the short- and long-term effects of this nursing tool for patients with initial psychosis is the next step in oral health research.