Sonja Kuipers

264 Publications and Presentations Kuipers, S., Boonstra, N., Kronenberg, L., Keuning-Plantinga, A., & Castelein, S. (2021). Oral Health Interventions in Patients with a Mental Health Disorder: A Scoping Review with Critical Appraisal of the Literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8113. ijerph18158113 Kuipers, S.A., Castelein, S., Barf, H., Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N. (2022). Risk factors and oral health-related quality of life: A case–control comparison between patients after a first-episode psychosis and people from general population. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29, 430– 441. Kuipers, S., Castelein, S., Kronenberg, L. M., van’t Veer, J., & Boonstra, N. (2023). A Human-Centered Design Approach to Develop Oral Health Nursing Interventions in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), Article 3475. Kuipers, S., & Boonstra, N. (2023). Ggz: zorg voor de mond. TVZ-Verpleegkunde in praktijk en wetenschap, 133(4), 40-41. Kuipers S.A., Castelein, S., Kronenberg, L., van t Veer, J.V.T., Boonstra, N., (2023) Een mensgerichte ontwerpbenadering voor het ontwikkelen van mondzorginterventies bij patiënten met een psychotische stoornis. GGZet Wetenschappelijk. 2|2023 21-54 Kuipers, S., Castelein, S., Kronenberg, L., Veer, J. V. T., & Boonstra, N. (2024). The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder: A Human-Centered Design with a Feasibility Test. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21, 492. Presentations 2023 Presentations Kuipers, S.A. Castelein, S., Malda, A, Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N., Oral presentation (2023). The importance of oral health interventions for mental health nurses in the recovery of patients with a psychotic disorder. European conference on mental health, 12-15 September Ljubliana.