Sonja Kuipers

265 Publications and Presentations 2022 Presentations Kuipers, S.A., Castelein, S., van’t Veer, J., Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N. Oral presentation (2022). Towards New Oral Health Nursing Interventions in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder. An Iterative and Co-creative Approach Towards a Fitting Intervention: A Human-Centered Design. European conference on mental health, 14-16 September Lisbon, Portugal. Poster presentations Kuipers, S.A., Castelein, S., van’t Veer, J., Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2022). Oral Health Interventions in Patients with a Mental Health Disorder: A Scoping Review and a Critical Appraisal of the Literature. European conference on mental health, 14-16 September Lisbon, Portugal. Dekker, K., de Kwaasteniet, M., Kuipers, S.A. Poster presentation (2022). The perspectives of patients with autism spectrum disorder on video calling their therapists. A qualitative phenomenological study of the experiences of (young) adult patients with autism spectrum disorder who received treatment from their therapist at GGZ Friesland with video calling. European conference on mental health, 14-16 September Lisbon, Portugal. Boonstra, A., Leistra, F., Kuipers, S.A., Poster presentation (2022). What are the recovery experiences of people who have gone through a first psychosis? A phenomenological study into the social and personal recovery experiences and needs in the treatment of patients with a first psychosis in care at GGZ Friesland and GGZ Drenthe in The Netherlands. European conference on mental health, 14-16 September Lisbon, Portugal. 2019 Presentations Kuipers, S.A. Castelein, S., Malda, A, Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N., Workshop (2019). Mondgezondheid bij patienten na een vroege psychose. FACT-congres FACTIVAL, 6 juni 2019. Kuipers, S.A. Castelein, S., Malda, A, Kronenberg, L., Boonstra, N., Oral presentation (2019). Risk factors and oral health related quality of life: a problem in patients with first episode psychosis or a problem within the adolescents group? A matched