Sonja Kuipers

268 Publications and Presentations Boonstra, N., Kuipers, S., Malda, A., van Dekken, S., de Jong, I., Berends, T., Dijkstra, W., Barf, H., Aardema, H., Menger, M., Onderzoeksresultaten lectoraat Zorg & Innovatie in de Psychiatrie 2016_2017, 19 oktober 2017, Leeuwarden. Poster presentations Berends, I., Yntema, M., Kuipers, S.A., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2017) Recovery-oriented care in the forensic psychiatry; a qualitative research to care needs of social recovery, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin Kuipers, S., Boonstra, N., Malda, A., Kronenberg, L., Castelein, S. Poster presentation (2017). Risk factors in lifestyle as predictors of oral health-related quality of life among adolescents after a first episode psychosis, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin De Kwaasteniet, M., van der Meer-Jansma, M., Kuipers, S.A., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2017). Double trouble - A qualitative research to explore the experience that support recovery of alcohol-dependent patients with a comorbid depressive disorder, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin. Van Mersbergen, C., Kuipers, S.A., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2017). Personal recovery in the elderly with a depressive disorder, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin. Posterprijs gewonnen. Ras, G., van Hemel-Ruiter, M.E., van der Meer-Jansma, M., Kuipers, S., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2017) To be seen as a person, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin. Wiarda, T., Boonstra, N., Kuipers, S.A., Roorda, S. Poster presentation (2017). Back to Balance; A qualitative research to explore the patient experiences with protective and restrictive factors during the psychiatric crisis stabilization, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin . With de, I. M., Kuipers, S.A., de Wal, M., Boonstra, N. Poster presentation (2017). Elderly, personal recovery and happiness. A qualitative phenomenological study on elderly with mental health problems who live in a psychiatric nursing home, European Conference on Mental health, October 4-6 2017, Berlin.