Sonja Kuipers

33 Oral health experiences and needs among young adults after a first episode psychosis allowed to sway the performance of the research and the findings deriving therefrom [14]. In this study, two members of the research team (SK. and NB.) led and monitored this research and gave feedback during the study. Table 2. A summary of the steps by using Colaizzi’s strategy as employed in this study[12] Step What and result Step 1 Obtain an overview of the data Interviews were transcribed verbatim Read and re-read to gain a feeling for and to make sense of the patients’ lived experiences regarding oral health Step 2 Extracting significant statements - Significant statements of the participants experiences, meanings and needs were extracted - Coding in Atlas TI V 7.5.12 software package Step 3 Compare and discussion Compared the original quotes with the formulated meanings to achieve consistency We illuminated experiences and meanings that were hidden in various contexts of the phenomenon. Minimal differences were found within the research group, and there was a discussion to reach a solution, when necessary 458 Quotes classified into 458 significant meanings Step 4. Categorize Categorizing the meanings into codes that reflect a vision to form a code 40 Codes were obtained from 458 meanings 40 Codes were incorporated into 5 themes Step 5. Describe Provided a sufficient description of the experiences, meanings and needs of the patients. The formulated themes were integrated in a description of the phenomenon under study Step 6. Clear relationships Generate clear relationships between the themes, it also included eliminating some ambiguous structures that weaken the whole description Step 7. Validation “Member check technique” was used to validate the findings within participants Discussion about participants feedback and changes were incorporated. Guba and Lincoln [15] suggest criteria of authenticity, and these standards raise a wider set of issues. This research fairly represents the experiences, and needs of the patients, and every effort was made to serve the patients. The ontological authenticity of this study can be formally assessed upon completion, but in this regard, an indication was gained from the responses to the feedback sessions, 2