Sonja Kuipers

36 Chapter 2 Table 3. Participant demographics and self-reported medications and diagnoses (continued) Participant Gender Age group Residential status Marital status Self-reported medications Diagnoses 18 Male 26-30 Sheltered living Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP, Drug abuse 19 Female 31-35 With partner Living together Antipsychotic medication FEP 20 Female 31-35 Single Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP 21 Male 31-35 Single Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP 22 Male 22-25 Sheltered living Living together Antipsychotic medication FEP, Drug abuse 23 Female 22-25 Single Not married Antipsychotic medication, antidepressants, Mood Stabilizer FEP, Drug abuse 24 Male 31-35 Sheltered living Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP, Drug abuse 25 Female 22-25 Single Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP, Drug abuse 26 Male 31-35 With parents Not married Antipsychotic medication, AntiAnxiety Medication FEP, Drug abuse 27 Male 26-30 Sheltered living Not married Antipsychotic medication FEP, Drug abuse 28 Male 22-25 Sheltered living Not married Antipsychotic medication, mood stabilizer FEP, Bipolar, Drug abuse 29 Female 26-30 With partner Living together mood stabilizer FEP, Bipolar 30 Female 31-35 With partner Living together Antipsychotic medication, antidepressants FEP *FEP: First episode psychosis †PTSS: Post traumatic stress syndrome ‡PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorder §ADD: Attention deficit disorder ¶ ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder