Sonja Kuipers

37 Oral health experiences and needs among young adults after a first episode psychosis Table 4. Oral health in patients after FEP: Examples of the phenomenological process using Colaizzi’s strategy Quotes Significant meanings Codes Theme I did not go to the dentist for over 3 or 4 years. Because of my debts. I am in debt restructuring; I cannot really pay the dentist. (part.7, line 61-63) Patient realizes that he has not been to the dentist for a long period of time because of his debts and the financial consequences thereof. No dental control/no insurance Risk factors I do not have insurance for the dentist because I am €15.000 in debt. Moreover, I cannot pay the bill. (Part. 3, line 75) Patients have difficulties paying bills because of their debts, and they do not have the money to pay for insurance. Debts I have had a mentor for over a year, but I do not have insurance for the dentist. I still need debt restructuring, but the system works very slowly, and it takes a long time before everything is settled. (part.7, line 193*-201) Patients state that the debt structuring system does not work. System does not work When I have used drugs I think often, I do not mind, and I do not care about anything. This includes dental care. (part.1, line 30) Dental care is not a priority for patients when they have used drugs. Consequences of drug abuse Risk factors When I have used drugs, I often forget and do not feel like it. Everything is bullshit. I am basically continuously making excuses for not doing things. (part.2, line 92) Patients who often used drugs forget things or do not feel like doing something. Not on mind When I was using drugs, I was only busy doing blow, and I did not feel like brushing my teeth and did not think about it. (part.3, line 38-39) Dental care is not on the mind of patients using drugs. Not on mind Interventions 2