Sonja Kuipers

38 Chapter 2 Table 4. Oral health in patients after FEP: Examples of the phenomenological process using Colaizzi’s strategy (continued) Quotes Significant meanings Codes Theme I am continuously so tired that I forget, and besides that, I do not feel like it. The psychosis and drugs make a person very confused. (part.5, line 43) Patients feel chaotic in and after a first episode psychosis, which, together with drugs, makes the world confusing. Not on mind Risk factors I have a lot on my mind, and brushing my teeth is not a priority (part.5, line 74) Patients have many things on their mind after a first episode psychosis; dental care is not one of them Lack of structure Because of the medication I used for my psychosis, I feel hungry, and I eat a lot. I have gained many pounds since then. (part.6, line 300-306) Patient feels hungry because of the use of medication for psychosis. Weight gain. Side effect of medication I receive an email from the dentist when it is time to make an appointment. (part.18, line 34) Losing a reminder card from the dentist makes it hard for patients to remember that they have to make an appointment. Losing memories Interventions