Sonja Kuipers

39 Oral health experiences and needs among young adults after a first episode psychosis Dental care in general The patients were asked to describe what oral health mean to them, but the patients’ answers remained superficial, or the patients described their current state. This question was difficult for the patients to answer. The patients were not aware of the meaning and importance of oral health. “I do not know, as long as my mouth looks fresh and does not hurt.” [part. 1] “I have had a root canal. My right front tooth is fake. When I was young, it broke off. And now, with so much time, it gets stuck again because it often falls off.” [part. 2] All patients were using devices for dental care. Most frequently, the patients named a toothbrush (electric or manual) and toothpaste. One-third of the patients used a toothpick or dental floss. Seven patients brushed their teeth irregularly and not twice a day. Some of the patients only brushed when they remembered or thought about it, meaning that the frequency with which they did so could be only once or twice a week. The patients were hindered by many mental health problems, and as a result, they thought less about cleaning their teeth. The patients stated that for regularly cleaning their teeth, awareness is the most important factor, and it is precisely this awareness that they do not have. Risk factors that affect oral health The patients’ experiences and knowledge of risk factors was discussed. The risk factors were also important factors that the patients experienced when trying to take care of their oral health. Twenty-one patients (70%) reported that they use or used drugs, some recently and some in the past. The most frequently used drugs were marijuana, cocaine, speed and MDMA. These patients commonly indicated that the misuse of drugs caused many problems. They described that the chaotic feelings in and after FEP combined with drug use make their world more complicated. “Well, I do know the importance of oral health, but I did not care, and I did not think about it and did not feel like doing anything with that. I was busy using drugs and alcohol.” [part. 3] “I had a lack of motivation, and oral health was not in my system.” [part. 7] 2