Sonja Kuipers

55 Risk Factors and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life There is no research known that gives insight into the risk factors and oral health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (first-episode) compared to individuals in the general population without any history of a psychotic disorder. Objectives This study aims to compare risk factors and oral health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (first-episode) with individuals without any history of psychotic disorder, and to determine risk factors of OHRQoL. Methods Study design A case-control comparison was conducted, using survey methodology. To strive for a representative control group, a ratio of 1:2 was opted for. A 1:2 ratio seems the optimal ratio to improve statistical efficiency and to avoid overmatching [16,17]. According to Grimes & Schulz [16], avoidance of selection bias is important when choosing a control group. Therefore, case and control groups were matched on age (18-25, 25-30, 31-35), gender (male/female), and educational degree (low, middle, or high as defined by the Dutch Central Office of Statistics, 2016). In total, 166 individuals were included in the control group. Recruitment We carried out a questionnaire (online as well as on paper) among (1) patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (first-episode), and (2) the general population. Data were collected from September 2016 to November 2018. Patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (first-episode) were recruited from an early intervention service in Leeuwarden (the Netherlands). Patients with a clinical diagnosis of psychotic disorder according to the DSM 5 [18] were included. McGorry [19] distinguishes different stages in a psychotic disorder, from stage 0 (increased risk of psychotic disorder) to stage 4 (severe, persistent, or unremitting illness, as judged by symptoms, neurocognition, and disability criteria). All patients in stage 2 having a first-episode of psychosis, between 18-35 years and able to complete the questionnaire were included. Patients with florid psychosis were excluded. Patients 3