Sonja Kuipers

Table of contents Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Part I Experiences of oral health in psychosis Chapter 2 Oral health experiences and needs among young adults after a first episode psychosis: a phenomenological study. 27 Chapter 3 Risk factors and oral health-related quality of life: a casecontrol comparison between patients diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (first episode) and people from the general population 51 Part II State of the art Chapter 4 Oral health interventions in patients with a mental health disorder: a scoping review with a critical appraisal of the literature 77 Part III The development of a supportive oral health nursing intervention Chapter 5 A human-centered design approach to develop oral health nursing interventions in patients with a psychotic disorder 125 Chapter 6 The development of an oral health nursing tool in patients with a psychotic disorder: a human-centered design with a feasibility test 173 Chapter 7 General discussion 223