Sonja Kuipers

60 Chapter 3 Comparison of dimensions and total score of OHRQoL Table 3 shows the results of the Mann-Whitney U tests, conducted to compare the dimensions and total score of OHRQoL between the study group. A higher score indicating a poorer OHRQoL. Scores in psychological discomfort of the case group (Mdn = 0, interquartile range [IQR] = 3) were higher than those of the control group (Mdn = 0, IQR = 2). A Mann-Whitney test indicated that this difference was statistically significant, U (Ncase group = 81, Ncontrol group= 166,) = 4635.5, z = -4.91, p < .001. The scores in physical disability of the case group (Mdn = 0, IQR = 1) were higher than those of the control group (Mdn = 0, IQR = 1). A Mann-Whitney test indicated that this difference was statistically significant, U (Ncase group = 81, Ncontrol group= 166,) = 5622.5, z = -3.086, p = .002. Last, Mann-Whitney tests indicated that scores in the OHIP-49 total were higher for the case group (Mdn = 5, IQR = 6.5) than for the control group (Mdn = 1, IQR = 4), U (Ncase group = 81, Ncontrol group= 166,) = 4659.0, z = -3.91, p < 001. No significant differences were found on the other dimensions. Table 1. Characteristics of case and control group Characteristics Case group Control group p n % n % Age, years; mean (SD) 81 25.9 (4.89) 166 25.0 (4.99) .98 Gender, male 52 64.2 107 64.5 .97 Education .81 Low 8 9.9 16 9.6 Middle 50 61.7 100 60.2 Higher 23 28.4 50 30.1 Occupational statusb 81 166 School 11 13.6 82 49.4 .00* Work 24 29.6 114 68.7 .00* Volunteer work 18 22.2 21 12.7 .06 Day-care 19 23.5 2 1.2 .00* Nothing 14 17.3 - - Other 9 11.1 14 8.4 .49 Medication a,b 66 81.5 Aripiprazole 5 7.6 Clozapine 9 16.6