Sonja Kuipers

62 Chapter 3 Table 3. Dimensions and total score of OHRQoL a in case and control group Case (n=81) Control (n=166) Dimension (N items, min-max score) Median Range Median Range Mann Whitney U p Functional limitation (9 items 0-36) 1 9 0 10 5428.5 .00 Physical pain (9 items, 0-36) 1 18 1 14 6418.0 .54 Psychological discomfort (5 items 0-20) 0 15 0 10 4635.5 .00* Physical disability (9 items 0-36) 0 12 0 12 5622.5 .00* Psychological disability (6 items 0-24) 0 10 0 12 6163.0 .05 Social disability (5 items 0-20) 0 2 0 3 6635.5 .63 Handicap (6 items 0-24) 0 9 0 9 6297.5 .09 OHIP total score (0-196) 5 60 1 50 4659.0 .00* Note. *Statistically significant p-values (p<.05) are corrected for multiple testing using Bonferroni correction (Bonferroni adjustment for alpha =<.006). a As measured on the OHIP49 scale 0-196. Higher scores mean lower OHRQoL. Table 4 Multivariable model of risk factors associated with OHRQoL, with 95% bias corrected and accelerated confidence intervals (CI) (bias corrected and accelerated bootstrap, based on 1000 bootstrap sample; N = 247). Variable Model 1 Model 2 B 95% CI for B B 95% CI for B LL UL LL UL Constant 6.89 4.93 9.29 3.82 -1.67 9.45 Case control group a -2.89* -5.54 -.49 .24 -4.15 4.83 Smoking b 1.25 -1.32 3.86 Alcohol b 2.34* .33 4.51 Illicit drugs b -3.43** -5.58 -1.31 Sugary food/drinks b .98 -.62 2.53 Antipsychotics and other medication related to oral health 2.48 -1.98 7.74 Low frequency brushing b 1.59 -.62 3.78