Sonja Kuipers

63 Risk Factors and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Table 4 Multivariable model of risk factors associated with OHRQoL, with 95% bias corrected and accelerated confidence intervals (CI) (bias corrected and accelerated bootstrap, based on 1000 bootstrap sample; N = 247). (continued) Variable Model 1 Model 2 B 95% CI for B B 95% CI for B LL UL LL UL Short duration brushing b 1.79 -.53 4.48 Few use of dental aid b -1.50 -3.54 .63 Low dental visits b .85 -1.14 2.85 Low dental hygienist visits b -2.58 -6.76 .83 Not enough finances b .59 -2.64 4.32 No insurance oral health b -2.67** -4.43 -1.04 R2 .03 .14 ΔR2 .02 .09 F 6.85* 2.78** Note: Significant coefficients are displayed in bold. We examined the impact of risk factors on OHRQoL. In model 1, we entered case-control group as predictor. In model 2, we entered the risk factors as predictor. a Case = 0, control = 1. b No risk factor = 0, risk factor = 1. * P < .05. ** P < .01. Risk factors associated with OHRQoL A multiple regression with forced entry was used to predict risk factors on OHRQoL (Table 4). The first block, the study group was significantly associated with the value of OHRQoL, F(1, 244)= 6.85, p<.01, R2= .03, R2 ajusted= .02. The case-control group was a significant predictor of OHRQoL, ß= -.17, t(244)= -2.62 = p = .009. The control group corresponded, on average, to a lower score in OHRQoL score of 2.89 points, B= -2.89, 95% CI [-5.54,-.49]. Lower score means better OHRQoL. The multiple linear regression revealed in block 2, introducing the risk factors to the regression model, significantly predicted the value of OHRQoL, F(12, 232)= 2.78, p = .006, R2=.14, R2 ajusted= .09. Drinking alcohol was a significant predictor of OHRQoL, ß=.13, t(229)=1.82 = p = .036. Drinking alcohol as risk factor corresponded, on average, to a higher score in OHRQoL score of 2.48 points, B= 2.48, 95%CI [-1.98,-7.74]. Illicit drug use was a significant predictor of OHRQoL, ß= -.14, t (232)= -2.08= p = .007. Illicit drug use as risk factor corresponded, on average, to a lower score in OHRQoL score of 3.43 points, B= -3.43, 95%CI [-5.58, -1.31]. Having an insurance for oral health 3