Sonja Kuipers

86 Chapter 4 Table 1. Overview of oral health interventions in mental health: type of intervention (I-IV), study participants (professionals or patient group) and study design. Author I Educational intervention II Physical intervention III Interventions combining behavioral and educational elements IV Interventions combining educational and physical elements Prof Patient group Prof Patient group Prof Patient group Prof Patient group SMI PSD PD MD AD ASD ED SAD SMI PSD PD MD AD ASD ED SAD SMI PSD PD MD AD ASD ED SAD SMI PSD PD MD AD ASD ED SAD Randomised controlled trials Adams et al. [45] x x Almomani et al. [46] x x Almomani et al. [47] x x Kuo et al. [48] x Quasi-experimental studies Barbadoro et al. [51] x Khokhar et al. [52] x De Meij et al. [28] x x x x x x Mori et al. [50] x Silverstein et al. [53] x Singal et al. [49] x Cohort study Yoshii et al. [54] x x x Abbreviations: Prof: professionals. Patient disorder: SMI: Severe Mental Illness not further specified—PSD: Psychotic Disorder—PD: Personality Disorder—MD: Mood Disorder—AD: Anxiety Disorder—ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder—ED: Eating Disorder—SAD: Substance Abuse Disorder.