Sonja Kuipers

90 Chapter 4 Table 2. A summary of the general characteristics, outcomes and measurements of the included studies (continued) First Author, Year Publication Total N Type of Study Population Age in Years Gender % Man Setting (Recruitment)/ Country Type of Oral Health Interventions Outcome Measurement Instrument Assessment Time Singhal et al. [49] N-87 QES SMI Outpatients 18–83 Not known Rural and urban outpatient mental wellness centre, New Jersey USA Interventions Combining Behavioural and Educational Elements Oral hygiene education and battery-operated toothbrush or manual toothbrush Oral health: Quigley-Hein plaque index and gingival index Baseline, 12 weeks Level of negative symptoms related to SMI Self-evaluation of negative symptoms survey (SNS) Yoshii et al. [54] N = 390 Cohort study Mental illness, Psychotic and mood disorders Outpatients 20–80 Not known Psychiatric daycare centres, Japan Educational intervention Knowledge: cause of tooth loss, dental caries, dental cleaning periodontal disease and routine dental checkups. Knowledge: 20item selfcare questionnaire Baseline, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months. Abbreviations: total N—PR: professionals—P: Patients. Type of study—RCT: Randomised Controlled Trial—QES: Quasi-Experimental Study. Population—SMI: Severe Mental Illness—AN-BP: patients with Anorexia-binge eating/purging—BN: Bulimia Nervosa. Measurement—OIDP: Oral impact on daily profile—TRSQ: Treatment Self-regulation Questionnaire—DMFT: Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth—EIP: Early Intervention Psychosis.