Sonja Kuipers

91 Oral Health Interventions in Patients with a Mental Health Disorder Table 3. Summary of results of oral health interventions in mental health. First Author, Year Publication Intervention Group (N) Control Group (N) Intervention Comparator Results Effect +/- Adams et al. [45] 18 EIP teams 17 EIP teams Dental awareness training. Dental checklist. Oral hygiene information sheet with oral hygiene tips and information on how to find a dentist. Standard care. One year after intervention: Dental awareness training, checklist and oral hygiene information sheet. No significant differences were found in: registered with dentist (p = 0.44), routine check-up (p = 0.18), owning a toothbrush (p = 0.99), cleaning teeth twice a day (p = 0.68), urgent dental treatment (p = 0.11), OIDP checklist: no prospective data collected. – Almomani et al. [46] N = 20 N = 22 Dental education. Oral hygiene instructions. Mechanical toothbrush. Reminder system. Mechanical toothbrushes. Q.H. plaque index: The improvement in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group (p = 0.026). Of them, 95% reported that reminders and oral health promotion were helpful + Almomani et al. [47] N = 30 N = 30 Brief MI sessions on motivation and confidence, personal values. Educational sessions: exploring advantages and disadvantages oral hygiene, effects of SMI on oral health. Two pamphlets summarizing the info from education and instruction in using a mechanical toothbrush. Weekly phone calls (for 4 weeks). Educational sessions: exploring advantages and disadvantages oral hygiene, effects SMI on oral health. Two pamphlets summarising the info from education and instruction in using a mechanical toothbrush. Weekly phone calls (for 4 weeks). Q.H. plaque index: scores from the inter-vention group were improved from base-line to 4 wks (p < 0.01) and from 4–8 wks (p < 0.01) and had significantly less plaque than control group after 8 weeks (p < 0.01). TRSQ: Oral health knowledge improved in both groups from baseline to 4 wks (p < 0.01). From 4–8 wks, the improvement in the inter-vention group was significantly higher (p < 0.01). + + 4