Sonja Kuipers

95 Oral Health Interventions in Patients with a Mental Health Disorder Table 3. Summary of results of oral health interventions in mental health. (continued) First Author, Year Publication Intervention Group (N) Control Group (N) Intervention Comparator Results Effect +/- Evaluation and instruction per visit. Participants received and were instructed to use Crest Cavity Protection toothpaste. A calendar and stickers were provided. Participants were asked to perform oral care twice daily (morning and before bedtime) at home for four weeks and affix a sticker to the calendar for that particular day. Participants were asked to perform oral care twice daily (morning and before bedtime) at home for four weeks and affix a sticker to the calendar for that particular day. There was no correlation between negative symptoms and the post-test mean plaque index and the post-test gingival index. Frequency of brushing and the mean change of plaque index and gingival index were not correlated. There was no significant impact of smoking on the mean change in plaque index and gingival index. - - - Yoshii et al. [54] N = 390 No control group Educational programme: (1) cause of tooth loss, (2) dental caries, (3) dental cleaning, (4) periodontal disease, (5) routine dental check-ups. This was in a 30 min-slideshow of 37 slides. Photos of patients’ mouths were used. No comparator. The educational programme showed a significant improvement in the use of fluoride toothpaste at 6 months after the intervention (p = 0.001). The daily use of interdental brushes or floss was significantly improved 6 months after the intervention (p = 0.025). There was no change in frequency of visits to the dentist. + – Abbreviations: intervention group—EIP: Early Intervention Psychosis—PR: professionals—P: Patients. Intervention—MI: Motivational Interviewing— SMI: Severe mental illness—DMFT: Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth—O.H.: Oral Hygienist—PMTC: Professional mechanical tooth-cleaning— DI: debris index. Results—OIDP: Oral impact on daily profile—Q.H. plaque index: Quigley–Hein plaque index. Effect: – = No significant effect, + = significant effect. 4