Sonja Kuipers

96 Chapter 4 Table 4. Critical appraisal of selected studies on oral health interventions in mental health. Randomised Controlled Trials 1 Randomisation for assignment to treatment group Allocation concealment Similar treatment groups at baseline Participants blind to treatment assignment Delivering treatment blind to treatment assignment Outcome assessors blind to treatment assignment Adams et al. [45] Almomani et al. [46] Almomani et al. [47] Kuo et al., [48] Quasi-experimental studies 2 Are the ‘cause’ and the ‘effects’ clear Participants included in comparisons similar Receiving similar treatment, other than intervention Was there a control group? Multiple measurements of the outcome pre- and post Follow-up complete or differences described Barbadoro et al. [51] Khokhar et al. [52] De Mey et al. [28] Mori et al. [50] Silverstein et al. [53] Singhal et al. [49] Cohort study 3 Groups similar and recruited from the same population Exposures measured similarly to assign people Exposures measured valid and reliable Confounding factors identified Strategies to deal with confounders stated Groups free of the outcome at the start of the study Yoshii et al. [54] 1 As measured with the JBI critical appraisal tool for randomised controlled trials [34]; 2 as measured with the JBI critical appraisal tool for quasi-experimental studies [34]; 3 as measured with the JBI critical appraisal tool for cohort studies [35]. Note:  = yes, = no, = unclear, = not applicable.