Feddo Kirkels

110 | Chapter 6 When focusing on fulfilment of the 2010 TFC15, 16 subjects progressed towards a minor or major criterion for structural abnormalities during follow-up. All but one already showed abnormal deformation patterns before, or at the moment of TFC adjudication. Figure 3. Progression of RV deformation patterns Progression of right ventricular (RV) deformation types in the three RV free wall segments, separated by agegroup. The deformation pattern of the basal segment was most frequently impaired (type II or III). Progression to a more abnormal deformation pattern occurred in all age-groups, whereby the pattern in the basal segment deteriorated in about half of the cases and in the mid segment in about one third. Deformation in the apical segment was normal in most cases, and progression to an abnormal apical deformation pattern was less likely. The * indicates case study 1 and ** indicates case study 2 as displayed in Figure 4.