Feddo Kirkels

Monitoring of Myocardial Involvement in ARVC | 121 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL VA at baseline n = 64 Major TFC at baseline n = 93 313 echocardiographic examinations included from 82 early ARVC subjects 92 early ARVC subjects 192 eligible ARVC patients & genotype+ family members 85 early subjects with º2 visits 355 exams Only 1 visit n = 7 Inadequate quality n = 33 Raw data unavailable n = 7 Irregular heart rhythm n = 2 Supplemental Figure 1. Flowchart of inclusion ≥ VA at baseline n = 64 Major TFC at baseline n = 93 313 echocardiographic examinations included from 82 early ARVC subjects 92 early ARVC subjects 192 eligible ARVC patients & genotype+ family members 85 early subjects with º2 visits 355 exams Only 1 visit n = 7 Inadequate quality n = 33 Raw data unavailable n = 7 Irregular heart rhythm n = 2 6