Feddo Kirkels

Arrhythmic Risk Prediction in ARVC | 167 Figure 1. Echocardiographic deformation imaging in an RV focused view Colours represent different myocardial regions. Panel A. RV free wall longitudinal strain was calculated as the systolic peak strain from the averaged regional RV free wall deformation characteristic. Panel B. Based on predefined criteria, a division into 3 different deformation patterns was identified in all three segments of the RV lateral wall.15 Type I is normal deformation. Type II and III are abnormal deformation, whereby type II is characterized by delayed onset of shortening, reduced systolic peak strain, and minor post-systolic shortening; type III is characterized by little or no systolic peak strain, predominantly systolic stretching, and major postsystolic shortening. Panel C. For RV mechanical dispersion, a 6-segment model of the RV was used, including both the lateral wall and the interventricular septum. It was calculated as the SD of the segmental time intervals from onset Q/R on the surface ECG to peak negative strain and expressed in ms.12 Abbreviations: PVC = pulmonic valve closure. 8