Feddo Kirkels

Dankwoord/Acknowledgements | 229 Beste Arco, ik mag mij gelukkig prijzen dat ik heb mogen leren van een echogoeroe als jij. Jouw kritische blik en inhoudelijke basis hebben belangrijke invloed gehad op dit proefschrift. Je vormde een ideale combinatie met Maarten-Jan, waarbij jij met je koersvastheid ervoor zorgde dat we niet afdwaalden en altijd weer terugkwamen tot de kern. Jouw kennis van de echocardiografie en cardiomechanica heeft mijn enthousiasme voor cardiale beeldvorming aangewakkerd en ik hoop in de toekomst nog veel met je samen te mogen werken. Ik wil de leden van de leescommissie prof. dr. S.A.J. Chamuleau, prof. dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans, prof. dr. M.C. Post, prof. dr. J.P. van Tintelen en prof. dr. Velthuis bedanken dat zij de tijd hebben genomen om dit proefschrift te lezen en beoordelen. Oslo Prof. dr Haugaa, dear Kristina, I feel very lucky that I have had the opportunity to work under your supervision. From the first time you welcomed me in Oslo as a medical student you made me feel part of the group. I am very thankful for the opportunities you provided me and your efforts to extent the collaboration between Oslo, Maastricht and Utrecht. Your work ethic and passion for science with clinical impact is inspiring. I hope you are still able to work after 4pm now that my supply of stroopwafels has stopped. It was also interesting to see that over the past years, your office looked more and more like a museum of Dutch traditional objects due to Maarten-Jan. I hope that the projects we did together are the start of many more collaborative efforts in the field of genetic cardiomyopathies. Tusen takk! I would also like to thank my other colleagues in Oslo. Even after the majority of our work was finished, you were the reason I kept looking for excuses to visit Oslo. Øyvind, thank you your help and supervision when I came to Oslo as a student. You were an inspiring mentor, not only because of your knowledge of statistics, which had a large influence on many chapters in this thesis, but also as a person, of which your performance at the Julebord was a good example. Isotta, I am thankful for the time we spent together in Oslo. From studying together in BI for the echo exam to the nice dinners with your family. While I only wrote this book, you managed to write a thesis and brought two beautiful boys into this world. I am looking forward to your defence. Maria, thank you for welcoming me not only in the research lab, but also in the greatest town on earth, your hometown Drammen. Tusen takk Christine, Monica, Eivind, Marianne, Eystein, Margareth, Lars, Alessia, Esther, Jorun, Nina, Tove-Elisabeth, Anders and prof. dr. Thor Edvardsen. Erik, with your profession of opera singing, I cannot really qualify you as a colleague. I am very happy though that my stay in the student housing in Oslo lead to our friendship. I am thankful for the many moments we share, including the canoe fishing trip at your parents’ home, the camping trip to Lund and your opera singing in our nearly sinking boat in the canals of Utrecht. Maastricht Nick, het heeft heel wat Zoomsessies en retourtjes Utrecht-Maastricht gekost, maar na lang discussiëren lukte het ons altijd weer onze twee verschillende werelden bij elkaar te brengen. Deze discussies over mechanica en fysiologie hebben mijn passie voor de cardiologie vergroot. En ondanks het gemis van een technische achtergrond ben ik dankbaar dat jullie mij toch in de groep hebben opgenomen Aurore, Tijmen, Tim, Ahmed, Claudia, Melania, Anneloes, A