Katarina Ochodnicka

206 | Appendix Els Verhoeyen (E.V.): Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Virus Enveloppés, Vecteurs et Réponses Innées Équipe, INSERM U1111, CNRS, UMR5308, Université de Lyon-1, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 69007 Lyon, France INSERM, U1065, Centre de Médecine Moléculaire, Équipe 3, 06204 Nice, France. Martine van Keimpema (M.vK.): Department of Pathology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Location AMC, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Lymphoma and Myeloma Center Amsterdam (LYMMCARE), the Netherlands Marcel Spaargaren (M.S.): Department of Pathology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Location AMC, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Lymphoma and Myeloma Center Amsterdam (LYMMCARE), the Netherlands Author’s contribution: Chapter 1: K.O-M wrote the manuscript, J.E.J.G. and C.J.M.v N. edited the manuscript Chapter 2: K.O-M wrote the manuscript, J.E.J.G. edited the manuscript Chapter 3: K.O-M and J.E.J.G. designed the research, K.O.-M., J.E.J.G. and T.E.B. performed the research, K.O.-M., J.E.J.G., M.H., M.M., C.J.M.v N. and T.E.B. analyzed the data, K.O-M wrote the manuscript, all authors edited the manuscript Chapter 4: K.O-M and J.E.J.G. designed the research, K.O.-M., M.B., T.A.B., C.M., A.vdV., H.vA., and J.E.J.G. performed the research, C.E.S, R.W.H, E.V, and A.M.d.B provided mouse material, expertise or reagents, K.O.-M., M.B., T.A.B., R.J.B, C.J.M.v N. and J.E.J.G. analyzed the data, K.O.-M, M.B. and J.E.J.G. wrote the manuscript, all authors edited the manuscript Chapter 5: K.O-M and J.E.J.G designed the research, K.O-M, M.B. T.A.B., C.M., and J.E.J.G performed the research, A.M.de B. and R.J.B provided analytical tool and reagents, K.O-M, M.B., C.M. and J.E.J.G analyzed the data, K.O.-M, M.B. and J.E.J.G. wrote the manuscript, all authors edited the manuscript Chapter 6: K.O-M and J.E.J.G. designed the research, K.O-M, J.E.J.G., M.v K. performed the research, M.S. provided tool and reagents, K.O-M, J.E.J.G. and C.J.M.v N. analyzed the data, K.O-M wrote the manuscript, all authors edited the manuscript Chapter 7: K.O-M wrote the manuscript, J.E.J.G edited the manuscript