vážim!) To my parents Ivan and Maria: you created a stable basis in my life, you recognized the value of good education, stimulated me to aspire to higher goals and supported my academic efforts from the earliest of years, even if that meant moving to a different country later on. Without this support, without you, I would be nowhere. (Rodičom: Ďakujem vám za stabilné rodinné zázemie, ktoré ste pre nás deti vytvorili. Vždy ste si vážili hodnotu kvalitného vzdelania, podporovali ste moje akademické ambície a povzbudzovali ma vzhliadať ku vysokým cieľom, aj keď to neskôr znamenalo študovať v inom štáte. Bez tejto podpory, bez vás, by som nebola nič z toho, čo som.) I enjoy good teamwork and bringing people together. So fun fact, I team-worked my father and my brother Jakub into Chapter 3, and at this place, I want to thank you both for your active participation and all your help. My father created a server storage space for the big data generated in Chapter 3 and helped me to figure out how to transfer such data from the server into the various programs for data analysis or visualization. My brother wrote a Python script that enabled us to find overlaps between our data and the publicly available data generated by another research group. Thank you also for your help with testing and adjusting the script, and for patiently teaching your IT-analphabet sister how to use it ;-D To Peter: we met each other when my research career was at its beginnings. We shared passion for science, worked on several research projects together, and even did many experiments together. However, the most beautiful experiment we have ever done is our life together and raising our two daughters. This thesis would not have seen the daylight if it was not for your unwavering support, your funny pep-talks, silly jokes at times when I was losing my mind, and especially all the adjustments we needed to make during the last years in order to make this happen. Thank you for being my rock! And finally, to my daughters Barbora and Julia, my sweet girls. I am so grateful that I get to be your mom! You supported me more than you realize. You always took very active interest in the progress of my thesis (Mama, hoeveel had je vandaag geschreven? Waarover heb je geschreven? Wat voor berekeningen heb je gedaan? Mag ik de plaatjes zien die je had gemaakt? Ik kan ook plaatjes voor je maken als je wil…) Day after day, you inspire me and you teach me, you make me want to be the best version of myself -for you! It is all for you. Ik ben heel trots op jullie en ik hou van jullie onwijs veel! Acknowledgements | 215