Katarina Ochodnicka

3 RAG1/2 introduces double-stranded breaks at non-Ig loci | 69 Figure 7. Graphs depicting the enrichment ratios (y-axis) of known GC-rich RAG1 transposition hotspot (5’-GCCGCCGGGCG-3’)n versus the number of repeats (repeat replicates: x-axis) in non-extended RAG1/2-dependent NBS1 peaks NBS1 peaks (A), NBS1 peak sequences extended by 500bp (B) and by 1000bp (C) on each end. In all graphs, the left y-axis shows the enrichment ratios and the right y-axis shows the q-values, q<0.05 was considered as the cut-off for minimal false discovery rate (FDR). The red line depicts the q=0.05 cut-off value.