Tjerk Sleeswijk Visser

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 ICON 2023—International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus: the core outcome set for Achilles tendinopathy (COSAT) using a systematic review and a Delphi study of healthcare professionals and patients 21 Chapter 3 Normative values for calf muscle strength-endurance in the general population assessed with the Calf Raise Application: A large international cross-sectional study 45 Chapter 4 Impact of chronic Achilles tendinopathy on health-related quality of life, work performance, healthcare utilisation and costs 67 Chapter 5 Standardized pain mapping for diagnosing Achilles tendinopathy 85 Chapter 6 Measuring ultrasonographic Achilles tendon thickness of the insertion is less reliable than the midportion 101 Chapter 7 Normative ultrasound values for Achilles tendon thickness in the general population and Achilles tendinopathy patients: a large international cross-sectional study 121 Chapter 8 Low socioeconomic status is associated with worse treatment outcomes in patients with Achilles tendinopathy 137 Chapter 9 General discussion 157 APPENDICES Summary 176 Nederlandse samenvatting 180 PhD portfolio summary 184 List of publications 188 Dankwoord 190 Curriculum vitae 192