Tjerk Sleeswijk Visser

4 75 Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy: Impact on Quality of Life and Costs Table 4. Annual health care utilization and medical costs per patient, per type of treatment (n=80) Health care resource Patients using resource, no. (%) Mean resource consumption (% of all healthcare visits) Mean (SD) medical costs Median (IQR) medical costs Treatments (units) Physiotherapy* 67 (84) 3.6 (33) €120 (363) €0 (0-156) Shockwave 35 (44) 2.6 (24) €86 (222) €0 (0-99) Acupuncture/dry needling 16 (20) 1.7 (16) €55 (267) €0 (0-0) Laser therapy/EPTE 7 (9) 0.33 (3) €11 (47) €0 (0-0) Injection therapy† 8 (10) 0.06 (0.6) €2 (9) €0 (0-0) Abbreviations: IQR: interquartile range, SD: standard deviation. EPTE: therapeutic percutaneous electrolysis * ‘Regular physiotherapy treatment’ (e.g. exercise therapy, massage therapy and taping) performed by a physiotherapist. † Prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma or corticosteroids Estimated direct and indirect costs The mean (SD) total healthcare costs were €415 (631) (US $490) per patient per year (median and IQR €258 (131-480)). Physiotherapy treatments accounted for 77% of the total healthcare costs. Annual costs for healthcare use per type of healthcare provider are presented in Table 3. The annual costs per type of treatment are demonstrated in Table 4. Costs in US dollars ($) are specified in supplementary tables 3 and 4. In patients who reported a decrease in work productivity, annual costs due to reduced work productivity were €417 (US $463) per employee. Total mean (SD) costs due to absenteeism and productivity loss are €425 (1319) (US $501) per AT patient per year. Total mean (SD) estimated annual direct and indirect costs are €840 (1420) (US $991) per AT patient. Costs from loss of work productivity and absenteeism accounted for 51% of the total costs.