Peter van Olst

173 The Methodology of Theological Action Research 4 the presentation of the results in the three main categories or topics and the formulation of feedback requested from the conversational community on the theology of disclosure (Chapter 9). The three main topics were, therefore, helpful in shaping the outline of the results presented in Chapters 6, 7 and 8 of this dissertation. Chapter 6 will focus on what subjective education means and how it was embraced by the conversational community concerning the citizenship formation of DCU students. Chapter 7 will present the findings on epistemological formation, while Chapter 8 will present those on the formation of a basic attitude of service in students. This approach may seem analytic and can be criticised due to the holistic conviction behind TAR. The idea, however, is not to get lost in analytic thinking, but through analysis to return to a synthesis that enables the improvement of Christian citizenship formation within the teacher training curriculum. In this synthesis, a theology of disclosure will be presented, leading to a set of indicators for a holistic curriculum that provides for the Christian citizenship formation for trainee teachers (Chapter 9). The insider team, supported by TIP, provided the conversational community with plans and proposals for an ongoing line of learning regarding shalom-seeking citizenship formation in DCU’s new curriculum. These plans and proposals were (partly) based on the findings and conclusions of the conversational community, and they were scrutinised and improved by it through consensus, as shown in the minutes of the meetings. However, before presenting the results of the analysis of the TAR meetings held by the conversational community, the results of the baseline survey that were afterwards shown to the conversational community will be presented, together with a more detailed description of DCU in the Dutch educational context than that presented in the introduction to this dissertation (Section 3). This will be accomplished in Chapter 5.