Koert Gooijer

102 Extensive medical intervention (a domain score of 4) was needed in 23% of the patients (n = 45) and mostly needed in the domains of surgery (n = 34), menorrhagia (n = 5) and dental extraction (n = 5). (Figure 2) 5% Of the patients (n = 10) required extensive medical intervention on more than 1 Self-BAT domain. The number of patients with significant bleeding per different bleeding domains is shown in Table 2. The specification of severity of bleeding symptoms (score 1-4) in the different domains are shown in supplemental Table 1. A symptom was scored as “present” if the patient indicated this in the questionnaire and scored as “significant” if the patient had a score of 1 or more on the Self-BAT for this item. Overall, the most common significant symptoms were menorrhagia (59.7% of all women) and cutaneous bleeding (50.8%). Other prevalent symptoms were postpartum hemorrhage (34%), bleeding from minor wounds (32.8%) and bleeding after surgery (30.3%). The least common symptoms were haematuria (2.1%) and cerebral bleeding (2.6%) (Table 2). Table 2. Analysis of the Self-BAT scores in 195 patients with OI. Self-BAT domains Present* n (%) Significant bleeding n (%) Significant bleeding leading to increased total Self-BAT, n (%) Cutanous bleeding 171 (87.7) 99 (50.8) 58 (58.6) Bleeding from minor wounds 184 (94.4) 64 (32.8) 45 (70.3) Menstruation (of 124 woman women) 114/124 (91.9) 74 (59.7) 45 (60.8) Surgery 177** (90.8) 59 (30.3) 52 (88.1) Dental extraction 168** (86.2) 40 (20.5) 31 (77.5) Epistaxis 145 (74.4) 39 (20) 26 (66.7) Muscle hematomas 32 (16.4) 32 (16.4) 22 (68.8) Hemarthrosis 18 (9.2) 18 (9.2) 15 (83.3) Other bleeding 17 (8.7) 17 (8.7) 11 (64.7) Childbirth (of 124 woman) 47/124** (37.9) 16 (34) 10 (21.3) Oral cavity bleeding 36 (18.5) 9 (4.6) 7 (77.8) Gastro intestinal bleeding 14 (7.2) 6 (3.1) 4 (66.7) Central nervous system bleeding 5 (2.6) 5 (2.6) 5 (100) Haematuria 24 (12.3) 4 (2.1) 3 (75) * “Present” corresponds to the number of patients who experienced a cutaneous, minor wound, nose, muscle, joint, oral cavity or urinary tract bleeding regardless of significance of bleeding, ** Corresponds to the number of patients who experienced a dental extraction, surgery, women who menstruated and women who had at least 1 delivery, with or without bleeding.