Koert Gooijer

37 Chapter 2 uals >55 years with OI type 4 experienced a higher physical function than patients with OI type 4 aged 18 to 24 years (Supplementary Table S1). Role limitations caused by physical health problems The role limitations caused by physical health problems in individuals with OI was significantly lower compared with controls 5,11 ( Table 1). For patients with OI type 3, this was not significant for all age categories from 25 to 55+ years. For patients with OI type 4, this was not significant above the age of 35 years. Between OI types, there was a less-significant difference at different ages (Supplementary Table S2). Patients with OI type 4 aged 35 to 54 years (Supplementary Table S1) had the lowest score on role limitations caused by physical health problems. OI type 3 patients had the lowest score on role limitations caused by physical health problems, but the score increases until their mid-50s when the difference between OI type 3 and the controls 11 was not significant anymore (Supplementary Table S2). The control group 11 trend over the years was decreasing slowly (Δ−15.4; Table 1). The OI type 1 group had a comparable trend (Δ –11.3), whereas patients with OI type 4 had an increasing score over the years (OI type 4: Δ +7.5). None of the OI trend values were significant. Bodily pain All patients with OI experienced significantly more pain than the control group 5,11 (Table 1), also within different age categories (Supplementary Table S2). On a scale from 1 to 100 points, patients with OI scored an average of 17 points lower than the control group. There was no significant difference in pain between OI types in different age categories (Supplementary Table S2). The pain in patients with OI type 1 and type 4 was higher in the oldest patient group compared with the youngest patient group (OI type 1: Δ−12.9, p = 0.101; OI type 4: Δ−7.3, p = 0.440). This was comparable to the Δ of the control group 11 (Δ−13.1). The lowest score on bodily pain was reported in patients with OI type 4 between the ages of 25 and 34 years (Supplementary Table S1). General health perceptions Across all the age categories, except for people with OI type 4 > 55 years, patients with OI had a significant lower general health than their controls 11 (Supplementary Table S2). There was no significant difference in health perceptions between OI types in all age categories. Health perception of patients with OI decreased less from the youngest to the eldest age group compared with healthy people 11 (Δ mean OI: –5.22, Δ mean controls: −15.88). This resulted in a statistically non-significant difference of health perception between patients with OI and controls in the age category of 55+ years.