Pieter Simons

4 Oliceridine respiratory effects Table 4.2: Pharmacodynamic parameter estimates Between-subject variability Inter-occasion variability Oliceridine ˙V E55 Parameter ±SEE ω2 ±SEE ν2 ±SEE Baseline (L/min) 28.3 ±3.3 0.21 ±0.10 0.07 ±0.03 t1/2ke0 (min) 44.3 ±6.1 C50 (ng/mL) 29.9 ±3.5 σ2 15.1 ±5.7 1.95 ±0.82 Morphine ˙V E55 Baseline (L/min) 27.8 ±3.1 0.20 ±0.08 0.05 ±0.02 t1/2ke0 (min) 214 ±27 C50 (ng/mL) 21.5 ±4.6 0.49 ±0.28 1.81 ±0.55 σ2 6.7 ±1.7 SEE is standard error of the estimate, ω2 inter-subject variability; ˙V E55 is the extrapolated ventilation at an end-tidal PCO2 of 55mmHg, t1/2ke0 is the blood to effect-site equilibration half-life, C50 is the effect-site concentration causing 50% respiratory depression; and σ2 is a measure of residual variability. 83