Jan WIllem Grijpma

114 Chapter 5 Appendix 5.1. List of questions to guide the interview Structure of interview Example questions Discover question (Goal: focus on positive teaching experience and collaboratively discovering what underlying processes might have contributed to that experience) Can you tell me a story about a recent study group meeting where everyone was active and engaged with each other and with a study assignment? So really a positive experience. This can be a moment, or a group, or a specific study assignment that you were impressed with or proud of. Example follow-up questions: - In that situation, what was your role? What did you do, what did you think, and what did you feel? - What is it about this story that makes it such a positive experience for you? - What do you think is necessary for such a wonderful thing to happen? - What can we learn from this story, in your opinion? Contrasting question (Goal: gain more insight into underlying processes by exploring student engagement from an opposing perspective) With the same study group as the first story, or maybe another group, does it sometimes not work out? Example follow-up questions: - Can you tell me more about that, just like with the positive teaching experience just now, or describe what it was like? - In that situation, what did you do, what did you think, and what did you feel? - What is it about this story that makes it difficult for you? - And as before, what do you think contributed to this happening? - What have you learned from this situation? Broadening question (Goal: gain more insight into underlying processes by exploring a different story) Can you share another such positive experience with a study group that might have been very different from the story you just told? Example follow-up questions: - What makes this experience also positive for you but still different? - Again, what was your role? What did you do, what did you think, and what did you feel? - What do you think was necessary for this wonderful thing to have happened? Are they the same things you just mentioned, or was there something else at play? - What can we learn from this story, in your opinion? Is it a confirmation of the above, or is there something else?