Jan WIllem Grijpma

115 Learning from the experts Structure of interview Example questions Dream question (Goal: reflecting if and how the tutor training supported first time tutors) If I ask you to dream about active learning and students engaging in the learning process... - What are your dreams? What do they look like? Can you describe that? Example follow-up questions: - Imagine we are living in the future, so two years from now, for example, and your dreams have come true! And indeed it is the case that… (mention dreams) i. What has changed in the next two years that has made this possible? (in course design, teachers, students, ...) ii. How has this change been able to happen – who has done what? iii. What has changed about you in those two years? Have you developed something? iv. What makes that aspect so important that you are paying attention to it? Closing questions (Goal: collaboratively reflect on the interview and distill key points) Example question: -What do you think have been key points in this interview? - Which aspects of everything we discussed do you think are essential for the engagement of the students in your study groups? - What would you like to pass on to beginning tutors if they want to learn how to engage their students? - Do you have anything to add to what we have discussed and what may be important for this research? - What have you yourself learned from this interview? 5