Jan WIllem Grijpma

132 Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1. Overview of the final prototype Course day (off-the-job) Observation (on-the-job) Guided peer coaching (offthe-job) Tutor meetings (both on-the-job and off-the-job) Individual coaching (on-the-job) Learning when teaching (on-the-job) Organized the week before the start of the semester. Preparing for this day included reading course materials, watching knowledge clips, and reading an article on facilitating active learning which included a self-assessment tool on essential facilitator skills. (SDL 1) Day led by supervisor and faculty developer. During the day participants would gain competencies needed to facilitate an active learning process through discussing information, engaging in various learning activities including feedback, and reflecting on their personal qualities and areas for improvement. (SDL 1. OOJL 2 and 3) At the end of the day, participants would formulate a Personal Learning Objective (PLO), discuss it with peers and facilitators and develop a plan of approach including a plan for evaluation. (SDL 2, 3, 4 and 5) Three weeks after the start of the semester, participants were paired to observe each other in vivo, give each other feedback, and discuss other topics related to their PLO and other teaching experiences (SDL 4. OOJL 1) Organized six weeks after the course day. Meeting led by supervisor and faculty developer. During the meeting participants engaged in peer coaching to discuss workplace experiences, questions, and personal insecurities. Participants also discussed progress in their PLO (SDL 4 and 5. OOJL 1, 2, and 3) Organized each month, between the end of a theme and the start of a new one. Meeting led by supervisor. During the meeting all current teachers of the course (new and experienced) collaboratively reflected on the last theme and prepared for the upcoming theme. In subgroups, participants also discussed workplace experiences, and PLO related questions (SDL 4 and 5. OOJL 1, 2, 3) Participants could receive coaching from the supervisor on issues related to active learning as they arose during the semester. (OOJL 4) During meetings, participants were stimulated to formulate intentions and strategies, to try out and learn from different approaches to stimulate the active learning processes of their students. (OOJL 3) Note. Explanation of information between brackets. SDL = Self-Directed Learning (1 = diagnosing learning needs, 2 = formulating learning objectives, identifying human and material resources, choosing and implementing learning strategies, evaluating learning outcomes). OOJ = On- and Off the Job Learning (1 = peer support, 2 = supervisory support, 3 = transfer climate, 4 = coaching).