Jan WIllem Grijpma

133 Preparing medical teachers for small-group active learning Appendix 6.2. List of questions to guide the interviews Structure of interview Example questions 1. Opening questions (Goals: getting comfortable; activating relevant experiences and information) - How was your first semester as a teacher? - What were some things that you liked / did not like / that surprised you (either in a good or bad way)? 2. General FDI questions (Goal: reflecting whether and how the FDI supported participants) - Which parts of the training did you participate in? How did (or did not) each part contribute to your competencies in guiding the active learning processes of your students? - Overall, how well do you think you were prepared and guided in learning to facilitate the active learning process of students? - To what extent have you used the knowledge and skills you learned in the training in your own study groups? What impact do you think that made on the study group? 3. Design Principle questions (Goal: reflecting if and how the design principles supported participants) - One aim of the training was to stimulate you to take control of your own learning process and develop yourself on something relevant to you throughout the semester. How did this work out for you? What did you think about having a Personal Learning Objective? How do you think it influenced your development as a teacher this last semester? - Another aim of the training was to stimulate you to learn from your workplace experiences. For that reason we had the regular meetings throughout the semester. You could gain experiences in your teaching tasks and then meet with your peers in various meetings to discuss them. How did this work out for you? How do you think it influenced your development as a teacher this last semester? 4. Closing questions - Did you seek advice for your teaching task outside the training? - How do you think the FDI could be optimized? What could be kept as it is and what could be changed, added or deleted? 6