Jan WIllem Grijpma

18 Chapter 1 Table 1.1. Overview of the empirical studies in this thesis (continued) Chapter Research Question Method Data Source Analysis 4 1) How do the three dimensions of student engagement interrelate in a classroom setting? 2) How do antecedents of student engagement influence student engagement in class? 3) How can the multidimensional view of student engagement help us to understand why it can be difficult for teachers to engage their students? Stimulated recall Semi-structured interviews with students Template analysis 5 How do expert medical teachers stimulate high levels of student engagement in smallgroup active learning sessions? Constructivist grounded theory Semi-structured interviews with teachers Iterative data analysis using constant comparison 6 How can a Faculty Development Initiative, aimed at enhancing medical teachers’ competencies in facilitating smallgroup active learning, be designed so that transfer is stimulated? Design-based research Observations of meetings Surveys and semi-structured interviews with teachers Descriptive statistics (quantitative) and Directed content analysis (qualitative)