Jan WIllem Grijpma

39 Appreciating small-group active learning Profile 2: Assessment-oriented students Profile 2 explains 11% of the study variance. Eight students load significantly onto this factor. Role of students For students in profile 2, the goal is to pass exams. All educational activities should help with this goal (25 +5). This means that they want to learn what the ‘right and wrong’ answers are, and they feel frustrated when there is no such answer (35 +2). They are looking for efficiency in learning, and are therefore not interested in anything other than what is being assessed (54 -3). Role of study groups Students value collaboration with peers, because it allows them to ask questions and improve their understanding of assessment-related knowledge (9 -5). Therefore, all students in a group should feel free to ask any questions they have (28 +4) and there should be a good atmosphere (48 +3). However, study groups consisting of students voicing diverse perspectives complicates learning, as it is then difficult to conclude correct answers. Groups of like-minded students are preferable (10 -3). A diverse group can have more intragroup friction and miscommunication, which costs time and distracts from learning (48 +3, 24 -1). Role of tutors Tutors’ main task is to make sure that students understand the content correctly (51 -5). Hence, tutors should have studied medicine (37 +5) and explain the content clearly (7 +2, 22 +2). They should answer questions rather than challenging students to find their own answers (26 -4). They should also check the quality of students’ assignments (8 +1). Furthermore, tutors should be available for (study-related and personal) problems that might interfere with their goal of passing exams (11 +4, 12 +4, 41 +2, 42 +3). Students in this profile do not have the desire for a personal connection with their tutor (40 -4), nor do they expect passion from tutors in facilitating study groups (47 -1). To help with students’ study efforts, tutors should know everything about the study program (53 +2). Finally, tutors should not have high expectations for students, as this might mean students have to work harder for a passing grade (46 -4). Role of medical school The medical school should design the study groups in such a way that they optimally support students in preparing for the exams (25 +5). Lectures, in which students can learn from experts, are actually preferred over study groups, as students immediately learn the correct understanding of a topic (39 +1). Study assignments should not be too challenging (14 -2). The focus of the program should lie on clinical content knowledge, rather than personal development and a broader perspective on patient care (50 -2, 54 -3). 2