Jan WIllem Grijpma

40 Chapter 2 Profile 3: Group-oriented students Profile 3 explains 13% of the study variance. Ten students load significantly onto this factor. Role of students For students in profile 3 learning how to collaborate with others is most important, as they see this as an essential skill for any future career. Groups also fulfill important needs for students, like a sense of belonging, support, opportunities for new friendships, and learning. They, therefore, want to contribute to a good group atmosphere (48 +5). They believe that the best way to learn medical topics is by discussing and relating their ideas with those of their peers (39 -2). They believe learning occurs in dialogue, and that it is important to develop their own opinions by relating to those of others (28 +5). Role of study groups Students feel they gain new insights by discussing and explaining to each other, and see opportunities to build their social network (making friends) by collaborating (9 -5). Students see the group as a support system as well, and being friends with one another can stimulate well-being, enjoyment, and study success. Study groups should be responsible for the learning process. In doing so, they practice collaboration skills needed in any future career. Therefore, they should have autonomy in deciding how to collaborate (36 -5, 43 +2). They should also be able to solve any intra-group problems themselves (13 +3). Essential ingredients are inclusive atmospheres (48 +5), and equality among members (28 +5). Role of tutors Tutors are not the same as teachers, as tutors do not need to explain any content (22 0). Tutors do not have to be role models who discuss their own experiences, nor do they have to have studied medicine (1 -4, 2 -2, 37 -4). Their role is to observe and guide the group process, and give feedback to students on their long-term development (16 +4). Tutor feedback is seen as more valuable than peer feedback because a tutor can be more critical – this includes addressing students’ disruptive behaviors should these occur. They should be available for discussing students’ personal problems (12 +3). Role of medical school Medical schools should design study groups to serve multiple purposes: they should help students to prepare for exams (25 +4), to learn communication and collaboration skills (50 +4), and to build a social support network. The medical school should provide clear boundaries within which autonomy is given to groups. Assignments should be clearly linked to practice, to increase motivation and getting a good overview of the profession (34 +2).