Jan WIllem Grijpma

60 Chapter 3 consists of people with opposite interests and opinions (10 -3). They feel this can cause frustration between group members, which can lower the effectiveness of the learning process by negatively influencing the group atmosphere. Role of tutor Students in this profile feel that tutors are important for their study success. First, tutors should help them understand the content of learning (7 +2; 51 -3). For this, they do not think tutors require a medical background (37 0) or be a role model (1 -4). They do require their tutors to have adequate knowledge to stimulate their thinking, to be able to answer questions, and explain clearly when they do not understand (22 +3). Second, tutors should monitor how their students are doing (21 +3). Students appreciate it when tutors notice and provide help with personal or study-related problems (11 +2; 12 +3). Last, tutors should not have very high expectations or demands from their students (46 -4). Tutors should understand that students have obligations besides their studies (42 +2) and not let meetings run late (3 -2). Role of medical program Students in this profile feel that their medical program should ensure that the study group meetings and assignments adequately prepare them for the exams (25 +4). This is a major motivation for their engagement during the meetings and completing the assignments. A second motivation is the upcoming internships after this year (34 +2). Students appreciate when the meetings and assignments help them prepare for their role as interns in a department. Because of these two motivations, students like to engage in assignments that challenge them and help them do well (14 -5). Profile 2: Development-oriented Role of students Students in this profile focus on their personal and professional development. They want to learn how to analyze and solve problems (52 +4) and gain a substantiated perspective of the medical profession and its demands (50 +3). Challenging assignments motivate them as these help them to gain a deep and meaningful understanding of a subject (44 +3). Their motivation increases even more when they get a chance to learn about themselves, explore topics they find interesting (49 +3), and feel they are responsible for their learning (8 -4). Without challenge (14 -5) or autonomy (36 -5), these students quickly disengage from learning. Role of study group Students in this profile value active (33 +4) and collaborative (9 -4) learning, as they feel it is a fun way of learning. They enjoy study groups the most when all students participate (33 +4), say what they think without fear of judgment from peers or tutors (28 +4), and when there is a good atmosphere (48 +5). They feel that study groups should be able to manage