Jan WIllem Grijpma

81 Medical student engagement in small-group active learning coding template, which ultimately was the result of a combination of deductive and inductive strategies. In the last step of the coding process, JG and MMV divided all transcripts and applied the final template. Throughout the analysis, JG and MMV discussed and resolved questions about the transcriptions, uncertainties about coding, and potential text fragments not fitting the template. AC advised when necessary to resolve a question or uncertainty. 3. Theme development. Themes were collaboratively constructed “through analyzing, combining, comparing, and even graphically mapping how codes relate to one another” (43). Authors MMV, JG, and AC held multiple discussions to evaluate the fit and support of each constructed theme in the data. Finally, the full author team reviewed the themes to evaluate the degree to which the research questions were answered. Table 4.1. Coding template for analysis Components of engagement Explanation Illustrative quote Behavioral engagement Verbal participation Student speaking in class “If I notice the answer from a fellow student is incomplete, and I know that I am able to give the full answer, then I would say something.” Non-verbal participation Student showing non-verbal behaviors indicating their engagement, e.g., by nodding, pointing or looking at peer who talks “I nodded, because I heard that in the lecture.” Completing homework Student showing they did their homework, e.g., by referring to their notes or questions prepared for the meeting “It can be useful to look things up before the meeting, because you might be able to ask good questions that help others onto the right path.” Complying with rules Student behaving as expected, because they are following the rules of the class, e.g., by taking the role of chair “I was mainly taking notes of what fellow students had said.” Other compliant behavior Any other observable signs of behavioral engagement, e.g., by volunteering to do extra task “This is the second semester of the second year, so I have been the student chair 4 times. And this semester I volunteered to do it a second time, which made it the fifth time, and I thought it went the best of all times.” 4