Jan WIllem Grijpma

84 Chapter 4 Table 4.1. Coding template for analysis (continued) Components of engagement Explanation Illustrative quote Negative emotions Students experiencing negative emotions, e.g., anxiety “When people respond to what has been said, but they have no idea if it is right, it is just very frustrating.” Other negative feelings Any other negative affective reaction to the learning environment, e.g., feelings of indifference or boredom “Sometimes they are long-winded, then I just sit there ‘okay, I don’t care’.” Antecedents of engagement Course design Everything to do with how the course and study group meetings have been designed, e.g., assessments, responsibilities of students and tutor “I mean, it’s like you read the assignment and the learning objectives are there as well, and then the question starts. But based on those learning objectives, if you get a case of a patient with certain complaints, and the learning objectives say: know the symptoms and treatment plan of acute otitis media, …” Study group Everything to do with group processes, e.g., collaboration, agreements, taking breaks “In the beginning of a study group you always need to see what other people are like, but fairly quickly some bonding occurs.” Learning beliefs Everything to do with students’ personal beliefs about learning, e.g., appreciation of small-group active learning “The best and most efficient way to learn is to do the exam first, to know what they are asking there, and when you then go and study, to recognize questions from the exam, so you can read it again.” Learning strategies Everything to do with activities that students use, and combinations thereof, to stimulate their learning “[Why do you go to the group meetings?] To try to apply my knowledge. And to rehearse what I already knew.” Non-school activities Everything to do with (potentially conflicting) nonschool activities that students engage in, e.g., jobs, sports “He had a drink yesterday, so he was rather tired, which you can see because he nearly falls asleep the entire time.”